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Alyssa Cimino

I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when I was 9 years old. Being a diabetic collegiate athlete, I have definitely had ups and downs in my journey. I want to share my story to help and inspire others who may be in my shoes. Having T1D has changed my life entirely, but I truly believe it changed me for the better. I find it something that makes me different. Growing up I hated the fact that I was different; that at lunch I had to go to the nurses to test my blood sugar and give insulin. How it affected my athletic ability, and overall altered my life. But what I want to share with others is that diabetes, or any disability whatsoever, should have the power to stop  you from accomplishing any dream of yours.

When I started looking at colleges to attend, I found an organizing called Team Type 1 that promoted diabetics to achieve their dream and help to ensure they could get access to the necessary medicine and tools. Being a global ambassador for this organizing has been incredible because it has allowed me to share my story, just as I am doing through this blog. I hope through this I can inform others who may not fully understand what T1D may entail. As well as help people be comfortable with their diabetic lifestyle and answer some questions for those who are traveling the path I went and still am going through. 


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